Saturday, March 13, 2010

laundry room step 1

In this closet I kept the boys clothes before, but moved them up to their rooms...
Now I got these handy wire baskets and asigned one for each family member. I put the clean and folded laundry in there and the older children are supposed to carry them upstairs and set the clothes inplace themselves... lets see how that works...

I covered the shelves with some white oilcloth, painted the inside of the closet and the cardboxes in a lavender nuicance (I just mixed some light pink and a little blue-grey paint rests I still had. The wallpaper I bought months ago to do an accent-wall in the hallway, but my dear husband thought it to be too bedroomish, so it gets used here :) isn't lavender a perfect color in laundry rooms?


The curtains are old ones I had, I just added a ruffle to get the right length. 
Step 1 completed :)


1 comment:

  1. I`m impressed!! I wish I had just a piece of your creativity!! You`re SO welcome to visit me!! :-)
    (I could need some advices... ) :-)
