Sunday, April 11, 2010

familiy room

Since we moved to this house last year I dreamed to convert it into a beach cottage (we live after all just a couple of hundred meters from a fantastic beach) . So yesterday while Mr.Viking and the kids went biking and the baby was asleep, I gave the familyroom a make-over. No buying involved. Just shopped the house...

Siden me flytta inn ifjor, hadde eg lyst å gi det huset en litt strand-hus aktig preg (me bur jo bare noe hundred meter fra Karmøys finaste strand). So igår mens Mr.Viking og ongane var på sykkeltur og babyen sov, fikk daglig stova en liten øvehåling. Kjøpte ingenting. Gikk bare på jagd i huset...



Then my family returned from their biking and enjoyed the room:

So kom familien him og kosa seg:

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