Sunday, April 25, 2010


A dear family friend had a special day today. Most norwegians are members of the lutheran state-church (we are not) and confirmation is an important day. Martine has helped me with my children for years. She is like a bigger sister for them, escpecially for my five year old girl. She loves Jesus and is very responsible and loves to take care of small children.

Girls that get confirmated receive their norwegian folk costume that day. It's called "bunad" , and its an handmade garment that is used through all grown-up life. It varies from area to area, but its made from the best linen and wool fabrics and embroidered with colorful flowers. A lot of silver jewelery completes the look.

My daughter has a childrens version, handmade by a 94year old lady.

Even her teddy has a "bunad" :)

Thanks for a wonderful day, Martine. We love you!

Martine hadde konfirmasjon idag. Hun har passt på ongane våras siden hun akkurat klarte å kikke øve barnevognet. Lykke te med livet videre, Martine. Har du Jesus har du alt! Me e glad i deg!


  1. I like white, also and I love the things in your kitchen, as well as the costume. I wish we had something like this in the US as a historical uniform for our culture. Many of the young girls are sewing and enjoying the costumes from the BBC production, "Wives and Daughters." The girl that comes to my house each week has made several of them of little cotton prints and just loves them. The header on my blog is by a Swedish artist and I just love the serenity of the lake and the feeling of the couple enjoying that scene, similar to the lake on our property that I grew up with, in Alaska. There were many Swedish people that went there as homesteaders in the early days. I plan to post more white things on my blog in the way of crafts, sewing, and decorating, in the future days.

  2. Is everyone in Norway beautiful? I'm about to shed a tear for being born in such a homely country, lol.

    The bunad is beautiful, too.

  3. Amanda, there are actually more Norwegians living in the US than in Norway ;)

  4. I am happy to have found your blog. My husband is norweigen and sweedish. His last name is Olson. Thank you for the cultural information.
