Monday, April 19, 2010

painting a sofa

Yes. Painting a sofa. I did it... I have painted a lot of things, but painting the sofa was the highlight... People would not believe me... Well here it is:

First of all I have to thank my sweet sister-in-law for donating this cute pillow and plaid to me yesterday!
But back to the sofa. I got it together with two chairs for 30 euros (45USD). It had a typical early 90s red/blue/green checkered cover and dark wood.

First I thought I would reupholster it, but that would be hard work. So I thought I could try to paint it. (I had nothing to loose anyway...) 

I painted it a year ago, it's daily used and it looks still ok. But  it started quickly to look bad on the seating so I had to slipcover the seating. I used an acrylic wallpaint.

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