Friday, April 16, 2010

Stick bread / pinnebrød

(picture from

We had a delayed birthday party for our 10 year old yesterday and went into the woods and had a barbecue.
I forgot the camera, silly me. But here's the recipe for the stick bread we made. It was a succsess with the kids :

1kg flour

2 pk yeast

3,5 tsp salt
3,5 tbsp oliveoil
1/2l lukewarm water
 a little pizza seasoning (oregano, etc)
2 cloves of garlic

Make a dough. Beat well. Let it raise at least for 1/2 hour.
Twin the dough in a thin layer around a stick and bake it over open fire until done :)

Kan you believe my baby is ten years old?


  1. hallo liebe margitta,
    danke für deinen lieben kommentar zu meinem blog...dein blog gefällt mir übrigens ausserordentlich gut (ich werde ihn gleich verlinken, wenn ich darf?!)!
    ich bin nicht mit einem norweger verheiratet *lach* irgendwie scheint da eine fehlinformation in umlauf zu sein ;)
    liebe grüße & hoffentlich bis bald,

  2. Found your blog from the hand-painted sea grass post~it looks fantastic! What a great idea this bread is! We are going camping for several days this week, and I want to try it. Thanks for the idea!!
