Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CSI project

Read about CSI project here. It was difficult to choose a project. But I came up with this candlestick:

I wrote about it here.
First I cleaned and whitewashed the log a bit.
It had three holes when I found it, but they were a bit too big for standard candles.
Therefore I hotglued these construction metal things on top, which happened to have the exact hole diameter for candles :).

I added the letters with help of a stencil.
I like the simple but rustic look of it...

For my regular readers, heres the first glimpse of my new livingroom wallpaper.
Pretty standard and boring, I know... 


  1. I love this! It looks beautiful on your table. You did a fantastic job!

  2. Nydelig blogg, familie og hjem du har:D Legger deg til i listen min så jeg kan følge med videre:D

    Ha en flott helg:D

  3. This is simply fabulous!! I hope to make one up for myself! I love the color scheme and your pics are amazing!! Thank you for sharing!! Hugs to you!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  4. Så gøy at du likte dem:) Jeg brukte tusj så det var veldig greit, helt til den begynte å bli litt dårlig:P Vet ikke om den begynte å bli tom eller om det var noe galt. Så de siste tallerknene ble så som så;) hehe

  5. That is such a great idea! It looks cute and easily craftable, too! Thanx for the inspiration!!!
