The kids love to sleep together in one room. So long.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Just to be with Nester's mantel party I made my own fireplace recently.

"Høst" is norwegian for fall (harvest).
Scince the "fireplace" is in my bedroom I keep the decor simple.
The little vase I got from a friend perhaps fifteen years ago.
It's the recent years I really cherrish its timeless beauty.
I link to:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The first bedframe is nearly finished...
I got these adorable old bedframes from my SIL many years ago and thought about painting them scince then...
The last year I had used the two headboards behind our bed.
But since I saw this cool headboard I knew I have to make something like that...
(visit her blog, this girl has a beautiful home!)
When I'm finished Krølltopp og Princess get these bedframes.
As nearly everything in the room is white I'll have to add some texture.
Baskets, curtains, ...
and a sailboat.
Monday, September 27, 2010
an unorthodox decision
We have 5 kids and 5 bedrooms. Three large bedrooms, one medium and one small. After our latest addition to the family (babyboy) the small bedroom became nursery.
One of the large ones facing north east is our master bedroom.
Now the thing is little princess hates to sleep alone. Most nights she ends up sleeping on a matrass in the boys room. And than "krølltopp" doesn't want to be all alone, so he drags his matrass into the other boys room too...
And now after more than a year of trying to convince them that having ones own room is very nice I gave in. They WANT to share rooms. OK.
Krølltopps medium seized bedroom becomes BEDroom. Four beds, no toys, no books, no clothes. Just cozy beds, clean air and four siblings beeing together.
Princess' room becomes playroom. All toys in there. One corner dolls, playkitchen, etc the other corner legos and matchbox cars...
Samwise and Jonny's room becomes familyroom. A cozy place to read, play games and for dad and the boys to watch soccer...
Nursery and master bedroom stay as they are.
Is this totally crazy?
Saturday, September 25, 2010
fall decoration
I'm not a fall decoration expert. I do not like orange or rusty reds...
but I like nature.
So that's my fall decoration.
This are branches from a bush I have in the garden .
It looks rustic on our old front door which desperatly needs a coat of paint...
Friday, September 24, 2010
I have a decoration book from the late 60's. It used to belong to my mum (don't tell her :).
Some years ago I thought it was hidious and just kept it because I thought it was funny.
When I looked through it some weeks ago I was amazed how much of its style is coming back... and there were actually some images I liked...
Some years ago I thought it was hidious and just kept it because I thought it was funny.
When I looked through it some weeks ago I was amazed how much of its style is coming back... and there were actually some images I liked...
I loved this one!
I think I'm immune to mustard yellow carpet, though.
I had it in my bedroom growing up.
The gorgeous blue trellis wallpaper my parents had in our livingroom on the other hand...
I loved it then and I would love it now...
Do you think we will incoperate more elements from the 60's in our decoration in the future?
Do you love/hate that style?
Eg tok noen bilder fra et innredningsbok er har arvet ifra mor mi.
Eg ser en del elementer i interiør verden med røtter på 60talet.
Trur du at vi kommer til å se mer av den slags framøver?
Liker du noe av det?
I think super talented Lauren Liess from Pure Style Home
is an american designer who's having a classic, yet modern style with this 60's touch to it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Eight years ago we went to the local chinese restaurant. After leaving our two older children with their grandparents. I knew that later that night I perhaps would regret eating a whole meal.
But I also knew I had some hours of "work" ahead...
In retro-perspective it was the easiest delivery of all of my children. And that's how he is. Easygoing.
A wonderful little guy. Passionate. Purposeful. Sensitive...
But I also knew I had some hours of "work" ahead...
In retro-perspective it was the easiest delivery of all of my children. And that's how he is. Easygoing.
A wonderful little guy. Passionate. Purposeful. Sensitive...
I love you, Jonny!
Monday, September 20, 2010
going fishing
We live in a small town where people used to make their living by fishing.
This is the habour.
This is the habour.
It is protected by this long pier leading out to a small island with a lighthouse.
A good place to go fishing a late sunday afternoon.
(If one has no boat that is :).
He and I stayed rather on the other side of the rocks...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
NIB and my rug
more livingroom
I re-wallpapered my livingroom two months ago. And while I have shown bits of it, I've not shown all of it. Partly because I still lack some finishing touches...
So today I'll show you unstyled, real-life, as-it-is pics. Thats how far I've come...
Rember I have five kids, four of them boys, active boys... the youngest is 15 month.
He is the most active toddler I had so far. This living room is used from dawn to dusk.
So today I'll show you unstyled, real-life, as-it-is pics. Thats how far I've come...
Rember I have five kids, four of them boys, active boys... the youngest is 15 month.
He is the most active toddler I had so far. This living room is used from dawn to dusk.
My husband is a computer programmer.
I think his youngest will follow in his footsteps.
I love about it that
- it's airy and spacious
- but still has two sitting areas and a table
- one sofa is facing the woodstove
- that I hung the curtains high
- that I added some more molding on top of the windows
- I switched from a pure nostaltic style
- to a lighter, more beachy look
I'm still not too happy about
- the couch totally blending into the wall
- the light fixture above the table not having electricity
- the playpen
- the wall behind the piano lakking some piece of art
- lakking pictures of the children
- the bookcase
- the view
Any ideas for further improvements?
What do you love about YOUR livingroom?
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