Sunday, October 3, 2010

31 days of...

Some of my favorite bloggers in America are doing a "31 days of.... " in October. My favorite is

writing each day of October on fall decoration.
Yesterdays task was to create a warm, welcoming entrance to our home.

Ha! That's just what I had focused on last week, so I had not much do to there.
Today she wrote about a clutterfree environment.
Having seven people in the family to spread their mess around, de-cluttering and tiding up is a constant task.

But I tackled the living room and dining room today.

Other "31 days of..." bloggers I like are 


Check them out!

1 comment:

  1. I came over by way of your About Me page and Donna's Funky Junk About Me party. You do have an interesting life and I see no end to it. (the excitement)
    I will be wandering the 31 days parties and blogs beginning tomorrow. The less messy and decluttering ones are sorely needed around here.
