Wednesday, October 27, 2010

blogging and inspiration

First of all I want to welcome all my new readers and followers.

 I think it's so amazing that I put some images of my old painted kitchen out here... 
and get so many sweet comments and encouraging words from you amazing folks fom all over the world!

And I'm happy that I had the chance to get accquainted with some of you via your own blogs, e-mails and facebook!

And all that inspiration I get from other blogs!

I may not live in my dream home nor do I have a big budget, but YOU inspire me...
to make MUCH of NOTHING!

Okay, MUCH out of LITTLE! ;)

My ultimate goal:

Make a HOME for my FAMILY!

Want to see my Inspiration files?

is where I put all images and links I do not want to forget.


  1. Your home is just beautiful..and i love how you do much with little...and keep such a pretty home with a big family. Very inspirational:)

  2. Your home is so lovely and I love your inspiration file! I save images too. So much pretty inspiration out there!

  3. your home is beautiful and i'm keep some of your photos on my tumblr as well. i also keep my inspirations on tumblr as it is so easy to organize. thank you for contributing to my home design. making my house homey, but not spending a fortune.

  4. I'm glad to have found you through Centsational Girl. You had the best Mom Cave of the lot and after reading more of your blog I see you have a lovely outlook and eye for design.
