Friday, October 15, 2010

my week in pictures

I mainly blog about decoration, DIY, etc... but 
as this is actually just a part of my life I thought  I start a 
"my week in pictures" post on Fridays to share a little more of what is going on otherwise.

even before breakfeast we had to deal with a little boy playing football in our entry...
 and missing the goal.

Fall break, but the boys went to soccer school,
studying the local sports news in the paper afterwards.

Beautiful weather. Everybody's out playing fotball.

Daddy's not home, we make up for that having a candle light supper.

I wasn't feeling too well this week, so I did a little reading.
Thriller is not really my choice, but Mr Viking had picked it up in London while being there with his job earlier this month. But it was a good read.

Why do children love to build play houses?


  1. Margitta, jeg elsker bildene dine og stemningen de gir! Fantastisk flott!! Ha en strålende og velsignet helg!

  2. Seeing your week has made me nostalgic for the time my own children were little - yes, even the broken window.
    I loved playing house and have never stopped ! (and I am not alone)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Boys can't seem to help themselves when it comes to throwing, even in the house :-) I loved seeing your week in pictures. Your kids are adorable. I hope you're feeling better now.

  5. Hei Margitta,
    Gottes Segen und einen klaren Blick auf Jesus wünsch ich dir.
    Hab grad das Bild vom Aaron im selbstgebauten Häusle gesehen. Da sieht er voll aus wie der Christian auf nem Bild wo er im Laufstall steht.
    Liebes Grüßle
    Ps: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit,dich auch mal telefonisch zu erreichen?
