Friday, October 29, 2010

my week in pictures

The only picture been taken in the weekend. One of the kids took it.
 I like this modern version of a black forest cuckoo clock.
I grew up at the bottom of the black forerst mountains.

We 've kind of adopted a cat and her kitty.

There's always laundry. I dry much of it on hampers.
TIP: For fitted sheets I use two hampers and hang it like this.

My little girl has not started formal schooling yet, but is interested in reading/writing.
That's what she wrote:

It's getting  dark early.
Time for more inside activities.
Playing games.
Or sleeping.

It's cold. It's rainy.
It's windy.
It's fall.


  1. ok the kitties are adorable...i sure hope you keep them!! amazing at what children are interested in now adays i see so many bloggers say about there children reading crafting painting gosh took me 1/2 day to get mine out of bed!!

  2. Noe av det koselige med høsten er jo inneaktivitetene en begynner med da. Som f.eks. div. brettspill. Eller hobbyaktiviteter.
    Her er det snart klart for litt tid ved symaskinen.
    Ønsker deg ei herlig helg :)
