Monday, December 20, 2010

Ready for christmas

Here in Norway, when  meeting people in town in december you don't ask "How are you?" but "Are you ready for christmas?"... Trying to sound as convincing as possibble I answer "Oh I am as ready as one can be..."

The truth is with five out of seven in the family being sick I spent the last days scrubbing bathroom floors, washing bed sheets and laying in bed myself.
And the house... ehmm is a little in disorder.
Oh it can be fixed within a couple of hours, if I just get around to...

But I'm learning to embrace life as it is having a large family.
Piles of laundry and dishes...

It's worth it. Every single load of laundry. Even the days not everything goes well.


  1. I'll say a prayer for your family to get well before Christmas. Its so hard having everyone sick at the holidays. Two weeks ago my oldest had Pneumonia and the youngest had an Asthma flare up. Life and our house was crazy then! I can relate!

  2. I hope you are all up and about soon and enjoying good health for the holidays. God bless you and your family with a merry and peaceful Christmas and New Year!

  3. Oh, I hope you are all better very very soon.

    Merry Christmas to your beautiful family.

  4. Your children are so cute!!! Get better soon. Have a great Christmas.
