Monday, January 3, 2011


Happy new year everybody!!!

Yesterday, after a fourtnight of sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and eating cookies, I suddently arose and started some serious decluttering. I mean SERIOUS. 

The reason? I could not get this pic that Rie from Home & Harmony posted some days ago out of my head:

The woman behind this beautiful room is Kelly McGuill.

Check out her blog O so D.

What I love about it? 
It's so clean and fresh and calm.

So, this pic got me going - I want my home to look clean and fresh and calm!!!

My goal? Finish the upstairs today!

Se you tomorrow!!!

P.S. Want to know my new years resolutions???

(I'm not good at keeping them anyway...)

But I have a goal: to grow in grace.
(For those others out there who love their bible: 2 Peter 3:18)


  1. To Him be the glory! :)

    And thank you for an AWESOME know that picture you can't get out of your head? Yeah, there are a few choice pictures on HERE that I can't get out of MY head! :) I am so inspired by you; thank you for sharing yourself and your beautiful home with friends and lurkers alike.

    A Scandinavian American living in Canada

  2. Thanks Margitta, I love that you posted this picture...Now I'm off to kitchen right now does not look like that. All my best, kelly McGuill o so d blog

  3. delightful your decorating philosophy...made me cry...blessings this new year.

  4. Don't you just love the images of Kelly's home? I've been in a cleaning frenzy over here. I've sold a bunch of stuff on craigslist and changing some bedroom stuff around. Feels good!!!

  5. I enjoy your blog! It's lovely. And I share your goal!

    Texas, USA
