Monday, January 31, 2011

flowers & girls

I have to admit I'm a little more exited to prepare for my little daughters birthday than for the boys'.
(Even though I have organized parties with themes like jungle, universe, detective, Italy, etc)

She wanted "flowers" as a theme.
How fitting for January- looking forward to spring!

She helped a lot with all decoration and wrote all name cards by herself.

I wanted to make tissue paper flowers a la Martha Steward for a long time, ever scince I saw the beautiful bedroom my friend Rie from Home and Harmony created for her four girls.

(read about it here)

But first I had to find out what tissue paper is called in norwegian and where to get it.
I succeeded.

Unbelievable my little girl turned from this

to this

within the last six years.
I'm so happy to have her!


  1. What a special party! It all looks beautiful. Those tissue paper pom-poms turned out great too!! They are so fun, and even though we moved the girl's rooms around here, we kept the pom-poms still in one of them.

    And yes, sniff sniff, the children grow up so fast. :(

  2. What a sweet party. I'm sure she loved it. Little girl parties are so much fun...and not nearly as wild as little boys :-)

  3. So true, Marcia! It was very sweet with eight giggling girls round the table... but to keep up with the same amount of boys can be a challenge ;)

  4. Oh she is so beautiful, and what a pretty party! My two gals are older and we haven't had any little girl parties in a long time. I remember the fun, decorating for them and coming up with themes.

    What fun memories you made for your little girl and her friends on her special day!
