Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Less is more

You remember that in fall I placed my four oldest in ONE bedroom?
It worked quite well. No more dragging mattrasses from one room to another...
But lately little princess stated to complain that she got disturbed by the reading lights of the others...

So it was time to move back to her girly princess room...

I love those "moves", because they give me the chance for some decluttering and purging of "stuff".
As the mother of five there is one thing I have observed again and again:

Children actually play better with less toys.

Things that stood the test of time is a large bin of basic lego's, matchbox cars and a box of those small  animals...

(Excuse bad picture quality today - very gloomy outside and nearly no natural light)


  1. I completely agree! I have three boys and I once thought that we had to have 3 of EVERYTHING! A couple years ago I cleaned out and gave away so much junk. I have found that doing it at least twice a year really helps too.

  2. Beautiful bedrooms! And I totally agree about the toys, the less they have... the more they love what they do have!

  3. I only have one and already find myself throwing things away...i can only imagine the clutter that comes with 5! They have beautiful rooms.

  4. Yes i have notice that kids totally play with less toys better and legos are our kids favs!
    he room is beautiful!!
