Monday, January 17, 2011

Our old house and...

...why I have not been blogging for a week

(Note: all pictures are from our old house. In January 2009 we did a house-swap with my parents-in-law.
We loved this house which we had fixed up the previous years... but it was getting too small for our growing family)

I think last week I had a blog-block.
I just was so busy with life.

And we are in a process...

asking the big questions

Where are we in life?
What do we want for the next years?
Do we have our priorities right?

Mr Viking and I have been laying on the bed and been talking for hours.
That is good.

Is it just the new year?
(the word "mid-life crisis" is lurking in the back of my mind... oh no, we are not THAT old!)

At the same time I have been sorting out, throwing away, purging and getting organized...
and I really start to long for spring!!!

Do you find yourself in the reflective corner this time of the year?


  1. Wow Margitta, those photos are beautiful! What a lovely setting that house was in.

    And you *know* I know what you're feeling with questioning what to do next in life!! I vote for you moving to North Carolina!! ;)

    Is it in the realm of possibilties that you would ever move to the States???

  2. Absolutely. The new year always causes me to reflect..and hope that by God's grace I'll mature, that my priorities will be in line...that I'll manage the coming year better! Your home is beautiful

  3. Dette innlegget traff meg veldig- for jeg føler at vi er veldig der- vi også- på et nytt sted- og i midlertidig bolig...det er rart å ikke vite hvor man skal bo- selv om vi vet sånn circa hvilket området- og jeg har ikke jobb for tiden heller- så jeg tenker -hva vil jeg egentlig? Skal man bare hive seg på rotteracet og gjøre som alle andre? Eller skal man tenke helt nytt?
    Lykke til med valgene;)
    Nydelige bilder fra deres gamle hjem;)

  4. Dear Rie, everything is possible - but it is NOT very likely ;)...

    Ralfefarfara, ;)
    Eg trur Norge trenger flere som våger å tenke litt anderledes ;)...

  5. Yes it does! I have been in purge and clean mode since my tree came down! It is very satisfying. Now if spring would get here a little sooner so some good old fashioned spring cleaning can commence!!

  6. Sandi, we won't have spring before sometime in March/April here, either...

  7. Big questions..Hope you get some answers:) Love your photos, and I am always to wait patiently to see what you have posted:)

  8. Håpa dåkke kjeme fram t same konklusjonane som eg, nå så dåkke endeligt tenke:-) Schwager

  9. Ive been in reflective mode, too! And I can relate with the organizing and purging around the house. I'm read for spring cleaning!
