Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A sunburst mirror made from flower tags

When sunburst mirrors first entered home fashion... honestly, I hated them.
 But it seems even I get influenced by what's "haute couture" ;)
They grew pretty quickly on me.

Especially those made of wood...
In fall I made one of driftwood.

Than I sold it.
So I copied Nester's craft paper eddition.

It was a tad to small on this wall.

Than I saw those cheap flower tags at store (Biltema)...
and I kept my eyes open for a round thrift store mirror.

I played around a while with how to arrange the tags.

After finding how I liked it best, it was just to warm up the hot glue gun...
And voila:

Sunburst mirror 
Nr 3


  1. Du e sååå flinke Margitta. eg e kjempe innponerte av alt det fine du får te:)

  2. I like the one you made out of driftwood, and the nr 3. Great work!!

  3. It looks really nice on your wall, such a beautiful room! I do love the driftwood one the best, just because of the natural material. I love the outdoors, and love bringing the outdoors in, whenever I can.

  4. Det siste der var jo bare heilt nydelig!

  5. Lovely! What a clever idea! I don't think I ever see round mirrors at our thrift stores ever ....

  6. Your sunburst mirror is beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful mirror and so clever!! I love your room and your photos are so pretty!!

  8. Så fine speil!! Det fikk jeg også lyst til å prøve..

  9. Utrolig flott og lurt!*smile*
    ...og jeg skjønner hva du mener...var ikke noe særlig glad i sånne sunburst speil og klokker selv først, men nå er jeg hekta gitt....

    ...synes din ble utrolig lekker altså!

  10. Det var rålekkert, så flink du er!!!!
    Hvor har du kjøpt det runde speilet?
    Dette vil jeg også prøve meg på ;o)
