Saturday, April 23, 2011


(On the "Feldberg", the highest peak of the black forrest)

O power of love, all else transcending
In Jesus present evermore,
I worship Thee, in homage bending
Thy name to honor and adore;
Yea, let my soul, in deep devotion,
Bathe in love's mighty boundless ocean.

Thou art my rest, no earthly treasure
Can satisfy my yearning heart,
And naught can give to me the pleasure
I find in Thee, my chosen part,
Thy love, so tender, so possessing,
I joy to me, and every blessing.

To Thee my heart and life be given,
Thou art in truth my highest good;
For me Thy sacred side was riven,
For me was shed Thy precious blood.
O Thou who art the world's salvation,
Be thine my love and adoration.

Gerhard Tersteegen 1697-1769

(at the graveyard down the road in Norway)


  1. Just beautiful Margitta. I'm so thankful for His sacrifice. Have a glorious Easter!

  2. Thank you for this... lovely to have you back too, the photos from your time with your parents are great! I too have just returned to a more regular life :)

  3. Greetings Margitta~ I recently found your blog and enjoy visiting and reading older posts.
    I am a lover of old hymns and would like to know the title of this hymn you quoted for the Easter post. The words are beautiful!
    If possible I'd like to find it in a hymnal of mine. Do you have an English title or would the Norwegian title translate well?
    Thank you so much for your help.
    Oregon, U.S.A.

  4. Carolyne, I left a comment on your blog ;)
