Friday, May 27, 2011

bedheads, a bedside table and vintage shell prints

Why is mom's and dad's bed such a favourite place for kids?


Can you believe we've been married for nearly 13years, but never had real bedside tables?
Well I came over this beauty at salvation army some weeks ago.

Cute, but unfortunately just one of a kind...
Do you know where the other one might be? ;)

The shell prints I printed out from vintage printable.

These prints I layered on top of some burlap.

(the rope in not some kind of nautical decoration, but incace of emergency to climb out of the window - in sleepless nights I lay awake pondering wether I actually would manage to climb down a swinging rope from the second level....)

Happy weekend!


  1. What a beautiful room, no wonder they love to come in there! Your prints are just darling, I love how you used the burlap in a couple of them. What a great idea!

  2. The bedside table is a fabulous find! Well done! Very sensible about the rope too.

  3. So cute, I love it! All of it (and them!) Look how CLEAN it is...WOW. Wallowing in messes here with my fifth who is two weeks old...will it ever be clean again? :) I love your room!
