Monday, September 12, 2011


Fall has come...

(to be honest we had spring until july and scince august we had fall - summer was this day we had more than 23Celsius  / 74Farenheit)... this circumstance made people talk about the weather ALL THE TIME - and norwegains always talk about the weather (me incluted).

 Really they do. 

So now I'm done with it. No more hoping for more summerdays. Just enjoying fall...

I have no camera this week, so to warm up for fall decoration - a little recap from last year.

Høst = Fall


  1. Åååå, så nydelig peis!!! Og så søtt med vimpler ;o))))
    Nyt høskvelden ;o)

    Klem Elisabeth ;)

  2. I have been meaning to comment for a while now...but, I simply LOVE your style. I have been a follower for a long time and I can clearly see your love for decorating, your family and most importantly your faith in God. Thanks for your inspirations! If you get a minute, check out our blog :)

  3. Herlige bilder, likte første bildet spesielt godt! Koselig med høst, da, selv om vi savner sommeren (som aldri kom)...
