Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a day's worth of wood

The temperatures have dropped below the freezing point.
That means keeping the fire alive is high on my priority.

It's strange to have only one child home in the mornings.
But we enjoy these mornings tremendously, he and I.

And the more is going on in the afternoons with homework, music lessons, soccer practice and cooking dinner... 
but in the evenings we lit some candles and gather in the living room while the wood stove still spreads its warmth.


  1. Enjoy the fire! Believe it or not our temp Texas has dropped too!

  2. Deilig med fyr i peisen! Savner det her i leiligheten vår!

    Flott bilder:D

    Ønsker deg en kjempefin dag:D

  3. Here in Australia we have even had our heater on this week! Winter temperatures in summer! Sweet to see your boy with the stable .. With and without his cars .. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I love your wood stove, is it surrounded by soap stone? I bet it is soooo warm. I want wood heat again someday, it's so nice and toasty. I always love seeing pics of your adorable home.

  5. I love your wood crafts. They are very contemporary looking.
