Tuesday, December 6, 2011

even in the stable there was no room for them...

because babyboy thinks it makes a great garage for his cars ;).

Funny. But it made me think. 
Am I so busy, that even "in the stable" there's no space for Jesus?

(at least until babyboy needs another garage)


  1. Ja det er ikke alltid det er plass til det det skal og bør være plass til verken i jula eller ellers i året.
    Ha ei riktig god adventstid :)

  2. Made you think of BUSY NESS...
    but that little image made me think of consumerism.

    Here in america...we have so much stuff...most of us can't even park the car, for all the stuff in there.

    ...food for thought for sure.


  3. My 3 year old grandson crashed a lorry loaded with two Hummers into our Nativity, straight through the middle - probably more realistic in view of the situation in the Bethlehem area, sadly ;o
    We hastily restored order!
