Thursday, October 4, 2012

summer's gone

Earlier this year my husband brought this
 (yes, I know they are already out again :)
poster home from London.
 So all summer I enjoyed a little red in our dining area.

I even hung some tennis racks on the wall for more summer feeling.

But then September came around, 
and yet I was not ready to let go of summer.

The rowan berries and the jelly I made were red too!

But now's Oktober .
And suddently I was done with red.
And yeah, done with blue, too.


I just need  a break before a little red sneaks in again in December! 


  1. Deilig med fargespots iblandt, men deilig å ha nøytrale naturfarger også. Godt man kan bytte på når man føler for det! Lekre bilder her.

  2. I was amused. I have that poster in beige/white in a red frame...!
    I always need a little red, even alongside the neutrals, but depending on the season, another colour will be my accessory - green, purple, yellow, orange.... in this house, not so much blue. I find houses choose their own colours to some extent and blue doesn't work in this house at all, so I use it in our holiday home, instead!

  3. Your house always looks good, whatever colours you use! I have the 'keep calm' poster in our study (actually a tea towel). This year I've wanted less red in our living room, going more for green and blue, and am looking forward to having red again at Christmas too. It's interesting how we crave different colours at different times of year ...
