Tuesday, November 13, 2012

the season

Now that we are done with birthdays in my family for this year I am ready for Christmas. My plan for today is to organize the craft room and then to get the Christmas boxes down from the attic!

I know what I want for this year:

traditional, simple, natural

I want to decorate less and to bake more. 
I want to spent as much time as possible with my children and as little time as possible shopping.
 We will see how this works out... ;-)


  1. Love your simple natural look. I have just decorated here, but haven't blogged it yet. Your aims sound the same as mine ... Tidy the craft room ... Start decorating. I still have a box or two here and there but mostly done now and am enjoying the tree and lights .... Wishing though that our Christmases were cold like yours rather than hot. Cool here today, so it's cosy for now. Btw forgot to say great photos of your new teenager. Both my girls are teenagers now. A new era. All the best for your son, and you as you travel through the last stage of childhood ...

  2. I love your banner across your mantle, Immanuel is one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. As always I love your decorating style, such a clean, fresh looking home, can't wait to see any other simple Christmas ideas you have this year.
