Monday, December 31, 2012

a lot of pics...

The Christmas days have flown by... o so quickly.
The weather was miserable, but we enjoyed lazy days with too much good food, visitors, staying in the pyj's until early afternoon, reading books, watching films and playing games...

a decorating recap from December:

 and with this I wish everyone:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

the perfect christmas

(or rather the letting go of the perfect Christmas)

In the beginning of December I wrote:

«I want to decorate less and to bake more. 
I want to spent as much time as possible with my children 
and as little time as possible shopping.
 We will see how this works out... ;-)»

How did it work out?

The truth is : the moment I wrote these lines above some weeks ago, I had this mental picture in of me  in a clean apron , in a neat and clean kitchen surrounded by happy  children. (Come on, we  all have our percect christmas pinned down on pinterest and/or in our heads.)

For me this perfect picture I'm so often creating in my mind can destroy the beautiful reality I have. 

Yes, I worked little in December. I spent much time with the children. We baked more than we did in years. We did a ton of crafts.

And the kitchen was rarely clean. 
The kids showed attitudes we had to work with in between. I never got around to order a Christmas card (again)... and the cookies were eaten one or two days after they were baked. Tomorrow we await Mr Vikings brother and family, who will stay with us for Christmas. The guest room is still a total mess.

This is my perfect Christmas. :)

Hey, but the tree comes close to my mental pinterest christmas! ;)

And if I crave a little more perfection than I can find within our house (and within my heart) I turn to Händels «Messias».

«For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.»

«And He shall reign for ever and ever»

This line always makes me so happy.

Yesterday, a friend wrote on facebook :

«He is not a baby. He is, still, a _real_ man. A royal man. A priest forever. He is Jesus. He is God. I am - and feel - totally lost and empty without Him. I am totally saved and totally satisfied with Him.»

He is my perfection.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

kitchen window

This kitchen window is facing north, towards the neighbors garage... it's so much lighter when there's snow outside!
This year I wanted some kind of roman shade for this window, but found nothing I liked in the price range I liked ;).
So I sewed this roll up shade from a duvet cover I bought.

I made a small wreath from herbs... 
it smelled so good when I made it.

So much more fun to bake in a cozy kitchen :).

Thursday, December 6, 2012

living room «mantle»

With a wood stove follows not exactly a mantle... but somehow I wanted to hang the kids stockings and display my mother in laws old ski.

Well, that's what I came up with!

With temperatures down to -10 Celsius (15 Fahrenheit) we're going through some wood in a day...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

christmas mantle

This mantle is rather small, I made it from stuff I had laying around.
As it is located in our master bedroom, I like to keep it simple.

I made a garland from some greenery from the garden, sprayed it with some fake snow and tucked in some Christmas bulbs...

I added two bottles with candles and  a simple nativity...
Christmas in our bedroom!

Monday, December 3, 2012

We had such a fantastic start to the Christmas season. The night to 1. of December it snowed ... and it looks like it's going to stay for some days...

The days are so short and dark now, it was so nice to hang the advent lights into the windows... I may or may not have been some days early with that...

As usual  I am keeping my decorations in the living room simple and natural. White candles, a little moss and some pine cones go a long way...

In the entry and kitchen I am really into red and white this year... mixed with traditional Scandinavian  elements.

More about the kitchen is coming soon... ;)