Monday, September 11, 2023

Update: New house and other changes

 For long periods of time I have forgotten about this old blog of mine... but is not an update overdue after nearly ten years of silence?

Much has changed. Two years ago we moved 15km south to a small old fishing town - right in the middle of the old city centre. Actually this house, build in 1860 is the old prayer house/chapel and was used as such until the 70s. The previous owner renovated it and on the inside there are not many traces left from the former chapel. We love it here! The history and the uniqueness of the house was what made us fall in love with it. (And yes, my Mr Viking and I are still going strong!)

The older children have moved out - off to college and university. Nr 1, 2 and 4 (our only girl!) live in Bergen (a three hour drive) and nr 3 started university in Oslo this fall. Just nr 5, a 9th-grader is still living with us. 

THIS is a massive change! :-) 

I have worked - an still do - as an teacher at an Christian middle school (8th-10th grade) in the area.

Welcome in! I hope to share some glimpses of our life here as I slowly have made (and still do) this quirky house our home.


Greetings from the west coast of Norway, Margitta

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